Stolen Enchantress (Forbidden Forest #1) By Amber Argyle Genre: Fairytale Adaptation/ Epic Fantasy Age category: Young Adult Release Date: April 9, 2018 Blurb: Any girl who goes into the Forbidden Forest never comes out again. Except the one who did. Larkin should have been watching her little sister. Should have paid more attention to the trees looming over her family�s fields. Now Sela is gone. Knowing full well the danger of the forest and its beast, Larkin goes after her anyway. With her sister clutched in her arms, she manages to escape, but not before discovering the truth lurking beneath the wicked boughs. She may have evaded the beast once, but with the full force of his magic now fixated on her, she isn�t sure how much longer she can resist . . . I'm so in love with my newest cover. It's utterly beautiful, and I adore how simplistic it is. All the little details work so well together. Melissa Williams Design and I worked together to come up with the concepts, but the credit for its outcome goes solely to her. She did an utterly fantastic job.
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